Saturday, June 15, 2013

News of Spain: Newsletter Collection - Spanish Civil War

The Spanish Information Bureau in New York during the late 1930s published a weekly newsletter with reports on the civil war in Spain. Only a few single issues of that newsletter, and one hardbound collection, can be found presently online. We are pleased to offer now a rare collection of thirty-four newsletters from June 1, 1938 to February 23, 1939, each in an archival sleeve and housed in a three-ring binder. Collectively, they contain numerous articles and photos documenting the war.

Joseph B. Code of Catholic University, in is 1938 pamphlet, The Spanish War and Lying Propaganda, had this to say about the Spanish Information Bureau and its newsletter:
The publisher of the newsletter, Spanish Information Bureau in New York, is the propaganda office in New York City of the Spanish Embassy. Its director is the well-known radical, William P. Mangold. The principal function of this organization is to edit, print and distribute "News of Spain," a clip sheet issued fortnightly, printed on a good grade of paper, well-edited and filled with the usual Spanish Leftist propaganda distortions. Originally issued as "background" or "explanatory" material for newspaper editors, it is now sent to thousands of influential Americans.
View images of this historical newsletter collection HERE.